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Wolvey Young Farmers Club

Welcome to Wolvey YFC Online!

Most Improved Club of 2003-04

Thanks for visiting! Please feel free to look around the site and learn a little bit about what WOLVEY YFC do and who we are. 

We're one of the 11 clubs which make up the Warwickshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs. You don't have to be from Wolvey itself to be part of our club - many of our members come from the surrounding towns and villages. You also don't have to be a farmer to be a member of our club! As long as you're between the ages of 10 and 26up for a laugh and ready to try new things you can be a Young Farmer.  We enter competitions, play sports, have social nights, organise talks and trips out, partake in local events, we raise money for charity.

If your interested in joining, please get in contact via the 'contacts' page which can be accessed through the link in the left hand margin, or email us to tell us your thoughts on our website.

Wolvey YFC meet on a Wednesday night in the Shilton Sports & Social Club, Wood Lane, Shilton at 8.30pm. Click on the YFC logo above for a map of how to get there. 

Anybody is welcome to come along, contact us via email for further information on where we'll be and what we will be doing!

Got a Question? Interested in joining? Want to be included on the WYFC mailing list? 
Click here to email Wolvey YFC

Club Notices



This Week...

Wednesday 4th October


Golf @ Bramcote Driving Range

Meet at 7.15pm in Shilton Village Hall car park or 7.30pm at the driving range
Cost = £3 per person
Ring Helen if you need directions

Please check the *updated* Programme Page (click link in left hand column) for a full list of up and coming events.





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